More and more Spanish families are installing solar panels at home so as to produce energy and, thus, not have to depend on electricity consumption. This last month of March the price of light records raced away in our country, causing many Spanish people to calculate the time of day in which to use electrical household appliances, so as to cut back, as much as possible, on spending. The prices, becoming higher and higher, of electric light companies in addition to the war of Russia against Ukraine have increased, even more, the cost of living. Therefore, these two issues are the main causes for having to set a timetable at home to use the washing machine, the dishwasher, the tumble dryer or the iron. Nonetheless, there exists a cheaper and a much more energy-efficient alternative which more and more families have decided to install and implement in our country, this being the use of solar panels. Some years ago in this blog, we wrote an article about whether it was feasible to install solar panels in all Madrid, so that the Madrileños could have self-consumption of electricity. If we take into account that a consumer may be able to save up to 40% of the electricity bill, then this is an option that should be considered by Spanish people. It is calculated that, in Spain in 2021, there was an increase of 85% in the installation of solar panels (the 623 megawatts of 2020, grew to 1.151 megawatts in 2021). This spectacular growth highlights the fact that more and more Spanish people are supporting renewable energies, and look for alternatives to making energy consumption more economic and more sustainable.

Some weeks ago, we wrote an article in this blog about how to save money on the electricity bill of our second residence. Well, these worries and headaches can be eliminated forever if we make a firm bet on renewable energies. At present, nearly all the autonomous communities in Spain are promoting aid plans to encourage self-energy consumption. The Next Generation Funds are already offering aid through the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia “España Puede” (PRTR). There is an upward tendency to invest on self-consumption, although in Spain we still have a long way to go until it becomes a massive option. The installation of solar panels entails, at first, an expense which will eventually be recovered. This investment will be amortized in the medium term (we must not forget that once these photovoltaic panels are installed, the cost we will have to bear is only the one related to its maintenance, which is extremely low). Nevertheless, not everybody decides to take the plunge , because in Spain there is no habit of using this kind of energy. As usually happens until new customs are adopted, it will be necessary for more and more people to join the change so as to make it become the most chosen option.

When installing solar panels, apart from the initial investment, it is also necessary to have physical space in the house for the installation. These are the two main factors that deter people from considering this option, although more and more are willing to take this step, as we have already said. For those that have doubts regarding the economic issue, there exists an argument in favour which is the credit facilities granted by many banks in financing sustainable investments. This kind of financing is another remedy which can be added to the existing aid and subsidies, as we have previously mentioned.
Picture 01: xb100
Picture 02: prostooleh