In Spain, the purchase and sale of housing has peaked as it has registered the best data in fourteen years. According to the facts and figures that were made public this last month of February, a total number of 676.775 housing deals took place in 2021 which represent the best data ever had in Spain since the year 2007. The Consejo General del Notariado (General Council of Notaries) indicated that, compared to the previous year, this implies a 38% increase in flats and a 37,8% increase in detached houses. A week ago, we wrote an article in this blog about the Spanish residential market which was very active at the beginning of this year. This January, housing became 0,7% more expensive compared to this last month of December and it increased 6,2% in price with regard to January 2021. The facts and figures that have been shown regarding housing deals in Spain in 2021 confirm the good moments that our residential market is going through. We can state that the data is excellent, and we would have to go back to 2007, as we have already said, in order to improve the number of housing deals which took place in 2021. In 2007, more than 850.000 housing deals were carried out, however, we must take into account that we were in the middle of the real estate bubble which, hence, implied that the data was not really real. That year, the number of deals skyrocketed in an exaggerated way due to the credit facilities offered by banking entities so as to formalize mortgages. That bubble burst, as was expected, causing real estate deals to drop sharply in our country. And, to top it off, years later the coronavirus crisis hit and paralyzed the economy of the whole world. Nonetheless, our real estate system has been able to recover from the blow and housing deals have continued to take place. Experts generally believe that 2022 will be a great year for real estate.
In 2021, a total of 507.209 flats and 169.566 detached houses were sold. The Consejo General del Notariado indicated that in 2021 the price per square metre was 1.597€. If we compare these figures with those of the previous year, 2020, then we can see an increase of 3,6% regarding the price of flats (1.701€/m2) and 10,2% in detached houses (1.192€/m2). It is important to take into account that the comparison with 2020 cannot be considered as a meaningful indicator because in those days we were in the midst of the coronavirus crisis and housing deals had dropped considerably. In spite of the fact that the Fiscal 2020 did not really correspond to that of a normal year, it seems logical that the data of 2021 was better. Nonetheless, it attracts our attention to see that the numbers were so good: it is estimated that in Spain during the previous years 19% of Spanish people above the age of 18 carried out a housing deal. It is obvious that, in our country, the real estate market is very active and it is calculated that, currently, there is a 5% growth in the offer and a 15% growth in the demand.
The Balearics Autonomous Community is at the head regarding housing sales carried out in 2021, with a growth of 51,3%. Next, the Canary Islands with a growth of 43,7%, Andalusia (43,1%), the Community of Valencia (41,7%), Cantabria (40,1%), and Catalonia (39%). Slightly below the average, but even so with substantial increases are Castilla-La Mancha (37,1%), Madrid (36,4%), Castilla y León (35,8%), and La Rioja (33,8 ). The rest of the communities also improved around 20% and 30%. In relation to the price, it rose in thirteen communities, standing out the Balearics (with a 14,2% increase), Andalusia (8,1%), the Canary Islands (7,9%), Navarre (7,4%), and Madrid (7,1%).
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