My kingdom in exchange for an island

What would we take to a desert island? If we asked an extremely wealthy person this question, he/she would probably answer: “I would take my own home”. This statement is what we can gather from a recent report carried out by CANDY & CANDY, SAVILLS WORLD RESEARCH and DEUTSCHE AWM. They all analyse the real estate market regarding islands. The buyers with large personal assets, consider that an island is the perfect place to invest in housing. Why does this happen? In the blog of Estate One we are going to discover the reasons for this.



What we find on an island is isolation, peace and to remain anonymous. We can sum it up as luxury. This is what the wealthiest people in the world seek. For them, the concept of luxury is different from anybody else´s. They like to live far from the hustle and bustle, not to draw anybody´s attention and above all, to go unnoticed. This is the main and undoubted value they are looking for when they invest in an island.


This fact is even of greater importance than income return or profitability. The trend of purchasing exclusive pieces of property on islands, is currently already in force. It is estimated that in the next decade, this trend will issue the guidelines that the real estate market will have to carry out concerning the great fortunes in the world.



According to the report which has been carried out, there are three types of buyers who are enthusiastic about investing in islands: property developers of expensive tourist developments, affluent ecologists and people with great personal assets. Concerning this group, housing in urban areas is not as appealing as living on a solitary island. The farther away you live from civilization, the more chic and elegant you are!!! At present, Bermuda and The Bahamas have the largest number of properties. In the second place, we have the British Virgin Islands. So as to get a rough idea of the cost of housing in these attractive places, a four-bedroom house in Bermuda, can cost more than four million dollars.


Photograph 01:  Brian Gratwicke

Photograph 02: Nugget04

Photograph 03: Ozge Can

Photograph 04: Taylor White

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