You can achieve an original and modern space in a house using decorative vinyl. If you want to alter a room slightly avoiding a radical change, the placing of decorative vinyl is an excellent option. Vinyl has the great advantage that it decorates many surfaces such as walls, doors, furniture and even a staircase. The laying of vinyl is very simple as you do not need any extra building materials, because vinyl sticks to the surface as a powerful sticker. The area and the design of vinyl depends on your taste and on the atmosphere you wish to create. We are going to show you different kinds of vinyls and we will also give you some decorative ideas.
1. Above all, its your imagination that counts. Adhesive vinyl offers a wide range of motifs. If you are able to operate vector design, you yourself can make the design of your choice. However, if you don´t know how to do it you can get in touch with a graphic designer who can carry out your idea. Use your imagination!
2. Take advantage of the space. One of the advantages of vinyl is that it can be made-to-measure. It all depends on the size of the space you wish to decorate. For instance, regarding a sliding door, the space changes completely if it is open or closed.
3. It is easily rectified and very practical. Decorative vinyl is quickly laid and easily rectified. Hence, no great intrastructure is required. We can also add that economically speaking, vinyl is very affordable.
4. It separates different ambient spaces. For example, we can make the space for our pets stand out with an original vinyl.
5. Cheerfulness. Vinyl conveys cheerfulness as it has all kinds of designs, colours and shapes. In this blog we have already written about the children´s room. Can you imagine the enormous decorative possibilities that vinyl offers in order to cheer up the children´s room?
6. Make the most of your creativity. Decorative vinyl allows you to be creative and to highlight some spaces at home. Have you ever taken into consideration how a staircase can look different with a touch of design?
7. Two pieces of advice. As we have already mentioned, vinyl is very easily laid as it sticks to the surface you wish to cover it with. However, if you are not a do-it-yourself enthusiast, we advise you to hire somebody from the vinyl company to lay it. We recommend this because if you are not handy, you can leave bubbles of air in the vinyl, and thus spoil the final result. Before sticking the vinyl, we suggest taking a photograph which simulates the placing of the vinyl in the room. You can do this with a computer programme. If you don´t know how to do it, a graphic designer can help you.
Picture 01: Fabián Ortiz
Picture 02: Alberto Ruiz
Picture 03, 05 and 06: Wicker Paradise
Picture 04: Anssi Koskinen