The art of making a room bigger

The art of making a room bigger

Making a room bigger can be easier than it seems if we use some small tricks. Space is everybody´s eternal problem: as time passes, one gets the impression that the space has been reduced however large it seemed at first. What has happened with that room where previously everything fitted in without a problem? As time goes by, it is a common case that our rooms do not seem as spacious as they did before. The need for more space always arises and it is inevitable that as the years go by we accumulate things; something that, in varying degrees, everybody does. What can we do in order to gain space so that our rooms seem bigger?

The art of making a room bigger

The first piece of advice we are going to give you may appear to be banal, but it is not: it is about opening your eyes. You must take a look at how you have placed things and ask yourself if some of them are unnecessary; no doubt you will find that you can remove more than one. In this blog we have already written an article about the importance of light in a house: good lighting makes rooms look much larger and this is why it is fundamental to make the most of the natural light you have at your disposal and illuminate with artificial light those areas where there is no natural light. It is also important to have your walls painted with harmonious colours without stridencies, because strong colour contrasts distract the eye and produce a feeling of overwhelm. In order to achieve an effect of spaciousness it can be a good idea to have the walls painted in soft colours.

The art of making a room bigger


It is preferable to use one large piece of furniture where we can keep things, rather than various small ones, though this may seem paradoxical. This is so because at first sight one will appreciate only finding one obstacle in the way, even though it is a large one, instead of several small ones which can create a feeling that the space is smaller.

The art of making a room bigger

Another trick that works very well is the use of a good mirror; if we hang it on the wall where there are very few decorative pieces we will create a feeling of spaciousness and brightness. On the other hand, ceilings are good allies to help unburden spaces and we very often do not take as much advantage of them as we should. A beautiful lamp which attracts attention, or even placing some shelves on the upper part of the wall will make us look away from the floor and so create a feeling of a larger space.


With regard to furniture and walls it is best to avoid using dark colours. Whenever possible, it is better to place the furniture far from the walls so as to avoid the impression of lack of space. Likewise, we can save space if we use, only when needed, folding tables. In general, lightweight furniture helps to make the space get lighter; and if the piece of furniture rests on self-supporting legs that separates it from the floor, then the feeling of spaciousness is even greater.

The art of making a room bigger

In relation to decorative pieces, we must be restrained so as not to clutter up the space. Less is more. This is a rule we must always apply: a good and well chosen decorative piece is much better than putting a large number of objects. For instance, a tall and stylish vase will help create a feeling of enjoyment.

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